Sep 27, 2009

Attacked, in Iraq!

Remind me: why did I think it was a good idea to play tourist in the most dangerous country in the world?

Yesterday, in the de-facto capital city of Iraqi Kurdistan, Arbil, Roman and I stumbled across a particularly poor, but particularly photogenic back alley. Roman insisted that we stay on the main road, but for me the allure of taking photos of the other side of Iraq proved to be too strong. And so we wandered down the alley, not at all certain of what was waiting within it's narrow walls. And, I was right, it was picturesque:

But unfortunately, Roman was right as well; because within minutes in the narrow alleyway, we were assaulted by two thug kids.

Our armed assailants- the ringleader cackling in glee the whole time, the other not even cracking a smile- didn't demand money or try to steal anything (other than my water bottle). They just wanted to cause some pain to some innocent tourists, maybe as retribution for our two country's checkered pasts and uncertain presents.

Once I knew I was safe, I pulled out my camera and caught the offenders on video:

Which you will have to wait for... because Syria hates you and doesn't want you to see my sweet video or any video on this blog for that matter.

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